About Us
Angel Ministries is a non-denominational, spiritual church, metaphysical store, and Florida accredited college. We welcome all into our non-denominational church.
We unite as one to embrace the spiritual Source within so that we may live a path with love, understanding, wisdom, acceptance, and truth.
We choose to believe in the power of Spirit and our Angels and that Love is the ultimate answer.
Angel Ministries was founded on the belief that communities must learn to help themselves. Our work is founded on the following pillars of faith:
A duty to reach out to the less fortunate
An obligation to lead by example.
An all-inclusive approach: We help everyone regardless of their religious beliefs
Acceptance of the fact that we too may someday require assistance in our time
of need.
Declaration of Principles
We believe in the Power of our Angels for Guidance and Protection.
We believe in the Spiritual Healing of the sick through, Meditation and Divine Law.
We believe that Giving is Receiving without thought of compensation.
We believe in the Freedom of each person to worship as they choose.
We believe that Love is the Ultimate Answer.
Angel Words
We are spiritual beings having a human experience.
Life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty, well preserved, body; but rather to skid in broadside, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming "Wow! What a Ride"
Prayer of Protection
Bless this Temple.
It is warm and inviting to all who enter it. Every person who is here, who visits here, who crosses this threshold is genuinely welcome. This temple is a haven of peace and harmony. A place where people can talk, laugh, and enjoy one another’s company.
Bless this Temple.
Whatever its physical properties, this temple wears a happy face. Its windows shine with light. Its walls shelter and keep safe. Its foundation is Divine Order. Its rooms are filled with the presence of spirit. Goodness is the theme of this Temple.
Bless this Temple.
It is filled with cheerful and understanding people, who love and accept one another. This temple is a beacon of light to all, radiating love and peace. All who are part of this temple give joyous thanks for their many blessings.
Bless this Temple.
It is so, and so it is! Bless and keep us all.

Prayer of Protection

Make a Donation.
Your support helps us grow and your donations make it all possible. Please click on the link below for online donations. Angel Ministries is always grateful for monetary donations. Also cars, boats, planes, RVs, and property are welcome!
All gifts are fully tax deductible.